Eternium dungeon keys
Eternium dungeon keys

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  • Platform Availability: The Destiny 2 Character Boost is available for purchase in Destiny 2 on PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One and Series X|S, and PC platforms.
  • Players that do not have sufficient Silver to complete the purchase will be directed to the platform's marketplace to purchase additional Silver.
  • Purchased at Character Select: The Destiny 2 Character Boost is purchased using Silver at the Character Select screen.
  • The Soft Cap is a Power level where armor and weapons that drop from completing certain activities and Weekly Challenges will drop above the player's Power level.

    eternium dungeon keys

    Only Purchasable After Reaching a Specific Power Level: The Destiny 2 Character Boost cannot be purchased until one character has reached the "Soft Cap" of a Season while progressing through Destiny 2.

    Eternium dungeon keys